Manufactured Home Financing from Craftsman Homes

Craftsman Homes realizes that when it comes to buying a home, not everyone is the same. This is why we try to provide our clients with options to choose from when it comes to finding the right loan for your housing project. We can put you in touch with lenders; see which programs they offer below! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out, or give us a call!

Financing A Manufactured Home is Easier Than you Think

At Craftsman Homes, we’re aware of the fact that the purchase of a manufactured home very well might be the largest purchase you, or you and your family make in your entire life. We do our best to make the process of securing a manufactured or modular home, as well as financing for your new prefab home as easy and streamlined as possible. We can put you in touch with lenders offering programs such as:

Whether one of these options appeals to you, you might have something else in mind or you would like to speak with someone about specific lending options available to you. Craftsman Homes can provide you with three professional and expert options for you to consider when finding a loan for you new modular or manufactured home. Feel free to contact one of the trusted lenders listed on the right and let them know you found them on our website!

Already have your loan in place? Not to worry. Craftsman Homes has experience dealing with many lending agencies. We are more than welcome to work with whom ever you choose to get your loan through and our professional courteous staff will make sure we work as a team to make your new dream home a reality.

Trusted Lenders

Amanda Rea

MNLS #398184
Guild Mortgage Company
5370 Kietzke Lane, Suite 103
Reno, NV 89511
Phone: 775-544-1154
Fax: 775-996-3550

Deanna Cobb

NMLS #453181
PacRes Mortgage
5470 Kietzke Lane, Suite 200
Reno, NV 89511
O: 775-462-3483
C: 775-721-1016

Steve Miller

MNLS #404592
Land Home Financial Services
611 Bielenberg Drive #3
Woodbury, MN 55125
Phone: 612-999-2335
Fax: 612-293-0567

Heather Battaglia

NMLS #224359
Axia Home Loans
3250 S Highway 160, Ste 6
Pahrump, NV 89048


Natalie Griffin

Senior Retail Sales Manager
Palm Harbor Insurance Agency of Texas, Inc.
Standard Casualty Company, A Division of Cavco Industries, Inc.
Licenses: MGA, Surplus Lines, P&C
Cell Phone: (832) 641-9474

Our Trusted Real Estate Agent

Jason Steinmetz

Ferrari-Lund Real Estate
Office: 775-823-3954

Scott Shepston

775 Realty
Lic# S.0181714

Andrew Scharf

775 Realty
Lic# S.0182378

Craftsman Homes - Equal Housing Logo

Loans made or arrange pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license.